Invitation to Short Term Fellowship ProgramAPEC Wind Hazard Mitigation Center
in Tokyo Polytechnic University

Aspiring engineers will be invited to the Short Term Fellowship Program at the APEC Wind Hazard Mitigation Center in Tokyo Polytechnic University, authorized as the 21st Century Center of Excellence (COE) by the Japanese government.

Details of Invitation for APEC Engineers

EQualifications for invitation :

EEngineers /researchers from APEC Economies

EUnder 35 years old

EPrivilege :     EPaid living expenses

EPaid roundtrip fare

EPeriod   :   60 days

EStart up  :   January 2007 - (In principle)

EProgram :   To develop wind resistant design /construction methods

appropriate for low-rise dwellings of each country

ETo collect historical wind damage data/photos/videos/wind records of each country
ETo conduct research on wind engineering topics of own interest


COE Office (Ms. Koizumi)
Wind Engineering Research Center
Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo Polytechnic University

ZŠ 1583 Iiyama, Atsugi, Kanagawa, Japan 243-0297
“d˜b”ԍ† +81-46-242-9540
FAX +81-46-242-9540


Copyright “Œ‹žHŒ|‘εŠwŒš’zŠw‰Θ Tokyo Polytechnic University
Center of Excellence