[Publication] : "Urbanization and Traditional Dwellings in Contemporary Mongolia: Housing management and Home Construction in Ger Area, Ulaanbaatar" ,

Ryo Takiguchi, Hiroshi Yaysuo, Go Sakamoto, Noriyuki Sato, Murako Matsumiya, G・Luvsanjamts, Center for Northeast  Asian Studies, 2018.12

The results of interdisciplinary research about the Ger Area, Ulaanbaatar conducted by Ger Area Study Group, consisting of researchers from various fields, were published by Tohoku University Asian Center for Northeast Asian Studies.


Center for Northeast  Asian Studies



In Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia, the urban environment has changed significantly due to the rapid increase of population after the change of social system from communism to capitalism. Especially the expansion of the “Ger area” (area of people who settle in “Ger”, mobile nomads ”) around the urban area, and the environmental deterioration and social division has became a serious urban problem. This book, by experts in architecture, urban planning, social psychology, geography, history, anthropology,  is the result of researches about the managemant of dwellings in Ulaanbaatar from the 19th century to the present, in the purpose to clarify the culture of dwellings in the cities.  This study makes it clear that the "Ger Area" is an area with a unique mix of traditional life and modern urban management in Mongolia.